How does the price of a Bed, sofa or table work?
Prices for all our options vary per event but each booking is always made up of two parts, a cover charge and a minimum spend. The cover charge is the amount you pay to rent your space for the day and the Minimum Spend is the minimum amount your group needs to spend on food or drink.
For example: if a VIP Balcony Table has a €20 cover charge and €150 minimum spend, the total cost of the table for up to 3 people is €170. You’d receive €150 back as credit to spend on food and drink of your choice on the day.
When you book you have the choice to pay for your whole reservation in full or pay just a deposit (+cover charge) with the remainder due any time up to 2 weeks before the event.
Can I choose where my space will be?
All our spaces are allocated by our team based on the size of your group. Whether you’re dancing in the pool, on the iconic hot pink terrace or on the balcony above the action, you and your group are guaranteed a great view, great sounds and an event experience like no other.
Can I book a VIP space if I dont have the maximum number of people?
Yes. The total price will however not change depending on the number of people so we encourage you to speak to friends and family to join you on your booking.
Do I have to pay in full today?
On tickets or tables you pay everything on booking but our more expensive bed and sofa spaces are split into two payments. On booking you pay an amount against the minimum spend plus the cover charge as a deposit with the remainder of the balance due 2 weeks before the event. You will be sent a secure payment link to make the full balance payment online – if you have any issues please contact a member of our support team.
Can I book VIP on the day?
Not necessarily, you can take the chance that event spaces will be available to book on the day from our venue team and we may have tickets available on the door. However, if you really want to be there we would strongly recommend booking in advance so you don’t miss out!
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